BLACK FRIDAYS, by Michael Sears

Few debut novels have a more sure first-person voice than this one; author Sears has the Wall Street chops to make his character’s attitudes and motivations flawless. Jason Stafford, ex-Wall Street wonder boy, ex-con (one thing led directly to the next), has paid his debt to society. Now he wants to get on with his life, maybe reconnect with his wife, absolutely with his autistic son, AKA Kid. Jason’s offered a simple job for a lotta bucks: checking trading history of a murdered broker. But first, he's got to go see the Kid; he breaks his parole to get to his son in Louisiana. No spoilers, you’ll have to read this fast-paced and well-plotted book to find out what happens when the law appears, when more deaths happen, and…. It’s a 4+ and the first, hopefully, of many more.
