THE FATAL TOUCH, by Conor Fitzgerald

2/series, set in Rome, starring Commissario Alec Blume. The art world and art forgeries figure in this mesmerizing novel. An artist is found dead on the pavement of a Trastevere piazza where scores of muggings have taken place. Known widely as a barely-functioning drunk, it may be misadventure. But a local, notoriously corrupt (even by Italian standards), Colonel of the Carabinieri inserts himself in Blume's investigation, and it appears that the artist may have written information many don't want to be known. Click below for more...
With layer upon layer of corruption to deal with, Blume and his new assistant Caterina, have to tread carefully. When Blume is set up as a receiver of stolen goods, the stakes again rise. But they'll rise even more, and you'll have to read this excellent, multi-layered book to find out. Blume is a perfect not-quite-hero, and is an many-faceted as the plots. A 5, and a must-read series for lovers of foreign-based mystery.
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