3/mystery-thriller series starring Wall Street black sheep Jason Stafford, and his autistic son AKA The Kid. As always, Sears has cooked up a complicated financial plot as well as edgy, many-layered personal complications. This series is best read in order, so start with Black Friday, the debut book that put Sears firmly in the pantheon of award-winning authors. This time, the brokerage firm that Stafford is under contract with is threatened by a takeover, skillfully hidden behind layers of cutout companies. Click below for more...
While trying to unravel a side plot of why an agent is buying penny stocks, Stafford stumbles on a chop shop guarded by . . . bison. As always, The Kid plays a major role in the complications and rewards of Stafford's life, as does Skeli, his pregnant girlfriend. If only I understood better the complications of Wall Street (but, then, history has shown who really does?) A slight stumble in the over-long western desert segment didn't mar the pleasure of this excellent story. It's a 5, and I'm eagerly waiting for the next one.
Find the author at www.michaelsears.com
For more no-spoiler reviews in all genres except zombies, visit www.nuts4books.com
While trying to unravel a side plot of why an agent is buying penny stocks, Stafford stumbles on a chop shop guarded by . . . bison. As always, The Kid plays a major role in the complications and rewards of Stafford's life, as does Skeli, his pregnant girlfriend. If only I understood better the complications of Wall Street (but, then, history has shown who really does?) A slight stumble in the over-long western desert segment didn't mar the pleasure of this excellent story. It's a 5, and I'm eagerly waiting for the next one.
Find the author at www.michaelsears.com
For more no-spoiler reviews in all genres except zombies, visit www.nuts4books.com
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