7/series starring John Corey. I've been hooked on Corey since Plum Island, the first in the series. He only gets stronger, and the stories do, too. Corey, invited to leave the FBI for less restrictive pastures, has wound up in the Diplomatic Surveillance Group, a sad, quiet end for the adrenalin junkie. On a quiet weekend afternoon, Corey and his sidekick Tess Farraday are on watch for Russian diplomat Vasily Petrov, of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. Diplomats are restricted to twenty five mile radius from Manhattan, but Petrov and his two companions go to an oligarch's estate at the end of Long Island, where a vodka-soaked party is in progress. Click below for more...
But Petrov doesn't drink or party. While the dozen women hired for the evening cavort in the huge swimming pool, Petrov sits in the shadows and watches. Corey and Farraday have jumped on the caterer's truck and now pose as servers. When Petrov, his once-assistance in Serbian massacres, and a man revealed as a nuclear scientist vanish, Corey knows more than another party is the reason. Told to stand down by the bureaucracy he's come to hate, he realizes that a newly-resurgent Russia under the bully-in-chief has decided to risk all, and Manhattan is the target. It's a 4, my personal protest against a one-dimensional villain and a writer's tic ("He further informed me," and endless variations) that repeatedly brought me out of the story. But it's a blood-drenched free-for-all, with Corey in fabulous shape.
Find the author at www.nelsondemille.net
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But Petrov doesn't drink or party. While the dozen women hired for the evening cavort in the huge swimming pool, Petrov sits in the shadows and watches. Corey and Farraday have jumped on the caterer's truck and now pose as servers. When Petrov, his once-assistance in Serbian massacres, and a man revealed as a nuclear scientist vanish, Corey knows more than another party is the reason. Told to stand down by the bureaucracy he's come to hate, he realizes that a newly-resurgent Russia under the bully-in-chief has decided to risk all, and Manhattan is the target. It's a 4, my personal protest against a one-dimensional villain and a writer's tic ("He further informed me," and endless variations) that repeatedly brought me out of the story. But it's a blood-drenched free-for-all, with Corey in fabulous shape.
Find the author at www.nelsondemille.net
Tell a friend! For more no-spoiler reviews in all genres, go to www.nuts4books.com
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