6/series with DI Percy Peach and the delectable DS Lucy Blake. Claptrap Carter, widely-despised head of the new University of East Lancashire, is discovered shot in the head by two students who have plotted the Perfect Crime. Sadly, their midnight plans did not include a dead body. Detective Inspector Percy Peach wrings the two young fools out and gets on with discovering who amongst Claptrap's many enemies and detractors did the deed. Click below for more... 
But the alibis of every suspect, despite their sometimes unsavory actions the night of the murder, check out. It's amazing the amount of high jinks and skulduggery that can happen on a bucolic campus, and Peach and Blake find evidence of drug dealing, professional malfeasance, and other dark deeds. A fun and well-plotted read with a marvelously contentious relationship between Peach and his superior. It's a 4, with a modest amount of sex (give it a 1.5).
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