THE SECRET LOVERS, by Charles McCarry

3/series. Set in the 60’s at the height of the Cold War, this is another chillingly realistic Paul Christopher novel which sweeps you from Paris to Rome to Madrid as Christopher tries to unravel the story behind a novel smuggled from Russia. A fellow agent Otto Rothchild, now an invalid, wants to run the operation to publish – and embarrass the Soviet Union – the novel, a tour de force by a man he once knew in 30’s war-torn Spain.Click below for more...
With admirable economy of words and actions, McCarry - long employed in the real "spy" arena - sends his protagonist on a complex search. As snippets of information are unearthed, Paul’s married life is on the skids as his wife goes in search of her own adventures. Author McCarry keep the reader puzzled until the last threads are woven and the ends knotted. A complex, satisfying, and at times chilling, international thriller 5.
