Pavone has set this intricate little treat in
Luxembourg and Paris; when you’re done, you’ll feel as if you have lived there,
too, right down to the endlessly gray winters. Kate and Dexter Moore leave
their Washington DC home so that Dexter, a computer security expert, can take a
high-paying job in Luxembourg, one of the world’s secret-money capitals. For
Kate, the move is a relief: she can give up her day job and become mother to
their two young sons. The author obviously has gone the father route: the kids
are portrayed perfectly, and he never forgets how much parents have to take the
little buggers into account. The Moores meet, as expats do, another American
couple, Bill and Janet. But, as with every single character except the
children, nothing is as it seems. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured
out, Pavone throws in another plot twist. For a first novel, this is
outstanding. It’s a 4 plus, a great read.
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