2/series. The indominable Ava Lee, accountant-turned-sleuth, is up to her pretty neck in conspiracies in this fast-paced intricate tale. A Chinese powerbroker and his sharp-witted wife have been repeatedly defrauded as they built up an unusual collection of Fauvist paintings. Ava, at fist unwilling to attempt to recover the seventy million dollars involved, finally agrees to do some initial research; she has no expertise in the art world. The art dealer who sold the paintings has died, his records destroyed, so Ava must re-create the trail from forger through art experts and on to the unwitting couple. From Wuhan, the trail leads...Click for more...
to to a small Danish town, then the Faroe Islands, and on to several other unexpected places including London and New York. Meanwhile, Ava's business partner, the ancient Hong Kong man called Uncle (forget I wrote that) must keep the clients happy. What begins as a matter of merely connecting the dots turns ugly and Ava realizes there can be as much murder in the high-flying world of art masterpieces as there is anywhere else. It's a 4: precise, no-nonsense, with a great sense of place as Ava jets about the world. Plus, you get a lot of insights into cultural differences, the art of negotiation, and where to get a good massage in New York. Perfect summer escapism at your fingertips! For more great summer reads, go to www.nuts4books.com
to to a small Danish town, then the Faroe Islands, and on to several other unexpected places including London and New York. Meanwhile, Ava's business partner, the ancient Hong Kong man called Uncle (forget I wrote that) must keep the clients happy. What begins as a matter of merely connecting the dots turns ugly and Ava realizes there can be as much murder in the high-flying world of art masterpieces as there is anywhere else. It's a 4: precise, no-nonsense, with a great sense of place as Ava jets about the world. Plus, you get a lot of insights into cultural differences, the art of negotiation, and where to get a good massage in New York. Perfect summer escapism at your fingertips! For more great summer reads, go to www.nuts4books.com
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