Subtitled A Jaded Gentleman Novel. Set in the mid 1800's, this tale of suspense and derring-do offers historical romance devotees an inventive author with a talent for spicy encounters. British Army sharpshooter Michael Rutherford endured a rajah's prison but escaped with a group of fellow soldiers and officers, returning to London with a legendary magical stone. Michael, a man with no family, vowed to protect his new-found brothers-in-arms at the cost of his own life, if necessary. The band named themselves The Jaded, and are being pursued by the Jackal, a shadowy figure seeking the priceless stone. Enter Grace Porter, a stunning blonde who has been told all her life she is of no value. Click for more...
Grace has found, in spite of the callous treatment by everyone in her family, an outlet for her talent and lively imagination: she writes "penny dreadfuls". She's also the sister of. . . oh, wait. I can't tell you. It probably constitutes a spoiler. It's a 3. The sex, all vanilla, is also a 3, with a gracious plenty of very explicit (if occasionally beyond-improbable, even for the genre) encounters. If Ms. Bernard would get a better-quality beta reader, hire a good editor, and find a serious proofreader, this work could have had a 4. I deeply regret having to say that, in spots, it was so poorly written/edited/printed it was hard to keep in the story.
Grace has found, in spite of the callous treatment by everyone in her family, an outlet for her talent and lively imagination: she writes "penny dreadfuls". She's also the sister of. . . oh, wait. I can't tell you. It probably constitutes a spoiler. It's a 3. The sex, all vanilla, is also a 3, with a gracious plenty of very explicit (if occasionally beyond-improbable, even for the genre) encounters. If Ms. Bernard would get a better-quality beta reader, hire a good editor, and find a serious proofreader, this work could have had a 4. I deeply regret having to say that, in spots, it was so poorly written/edited/printed it was hard to keep in the story.
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