Book reviews ain't always easy. Sometimes the contrasts between one book and the next are so extreme they throw a perfectly competent novelist into near-disrepute because the other book is just so damn good. This is such a case: this is a 5+ and then some, by an author who has won two Booker Prizes. Chaotic, mysterious, raw, unexpected, much of it told from the viewpoint of an eight year-old American boy, you'll be captured at once. Discover the Vietnam-era life of Che Selkirk, son of SDS fugitives and grandson of obscene privilege and wealth. Impossible to give you any more clues about the actual plot because it starts so fast and then just keeps ratcheting up, and every single page hold a surprise, a pleasure, a laugh, a memory, a heartbreak. Plus, you know very well that spoilers are not done here. Read His Illegal Self. You will be rewarded far beyond any expectation.
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