19/series. The unique team of Dave Robichaux and Clete
Purcel are at it again, this time on the track of Tee Jolie Melton, a young woman who appears to Dave in a
morphine-addled dream. He later learns she was kidnapped and her sister, Blue,
subsequently vanishes. As with all Burke’s novels, the violence and gore is
copious, the one-liners bitingly funny, the plot subtle and the characters
unique and fascinating. I know I shouldn't, as an unpublished writer, grouse about the writing style or technique of a Pulitzer Prize winner (among many other awards). This author has impeccable chops, he's even got a Pulitzer Prize (among many, many others), and I admire not only his body of work but his amazing work ethic. But the pontificating is starting to get to me and no
author ought to pause at the beginning of a fight scene to muse for paragraphs,
for Pete’s sake, upon the state of the world, no matter how dire, depressing,
and accurate that musing is. A 4.
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