Just as Tess and Gabriel’s wedding ceremony is about to start, a terrorist in a wedding dress and white spray-painted combat boots (let’s not forget the gas mask and sunglasses) shows up and imprisons the entire wedding party in a sunroom. In addition to the bride and groom, their parents, two Hollywood stars, several infants and a teen with Asperger’s, the place is awash in psychotherapists. What’s the terrorist’s game? Who does she want an apology from? Several men step forward, apologizing publicly for their failures in their interpersonal relationships…but they’re not the right ones. Helen, mother of the bride, considered by the “real” therapists in the room to be not quite qualified enough, is the only one who establishes a dialogue with the rifle-toting woman. Who she is becomes clearer when the SWAT team shows up. Is it a romance? Or a commentary on contemporary relationships? Whatever you call it, this is one to read and savor. I'd call this a personal book, with marvelous insights that gleam like freshly-polished windows into people's inssermost thoughts. An absolutely delicious 5.
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